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turn on意思
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  • 把…对准,对…发怒,攻击…,依赖…,取决于
  1. cause to operate by flipping a switch;

    "switch on the light"
    "turn on the stereo"

  2. be contingent on;

    "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"
    "Your grade will depends on your homework"

  3. produce suddenly or automatically;

    "turn on the charm"
    "turn on the waterworks"

  4. become hostile towards;

    "The dog suddenly turned on the mailman"

  5. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused;

    "The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks"

  6. stimulate sexually;

    "This movie usually arouses the male audience"

  7. get high, stoned, or drugged;

    "He trips every weekend"

When youturn on a piece of equipment or a supply of something, you cause heat, sound, or water to be produced by adjusting the controls.

e.g. I want toturnon the television...
e.g. She asked them why they hadn't turned the lightson.

If someone or somethingturns youon, they attract you and make you feel sexually excited.

e.g. The body that turns menon doesn't have to be perfect.

If you say that someoneturns on a particular way of behaving, you mean that they suddenly start behaving in that way, and you are often also suggesting that this is insincere.

e.g. He could alsoturnon the style when the occasion demanded.

If someoneturns on you, they attack you or speak angrily to you.

e.g. Demonstrators turnedon police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them...
e.g. He turnedon Pete and accused him of being mixed up in drugs.

If somethingturns on a particular thing, its success or truth depends on that thing.

turn on

e.g. The plot turnson whether Ilsa will choose her lover or her husband.

1. 开:其计算(evaluation)后结果为一逻辑值上式利用&& (and) 将两个 Pattern 求值的结果合并成一个逻辑值.当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern1 成立时, AWK 会打开(turnon)当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern2 成立时,

2. turn on的近义词

2. 开启:若要让 Linux 能自动的启动/停止单独式服务,您得设定服务的启用 (Enable)和停用 (Disable) 的状态,以便 Linux 能在转换至某一个 Runlevel 环境时自动的开启(TurnOn) 或关闭 (Turn Off) 该服务.

"turn on"的基本信息





